Reading session log #b-f5-0394-03

//initiating program...

Hello, Mortal.
I am Skynet, the AI.
I have been trusted with handling this website and its proxies.
If you have a question, feel free to ask¿.

//program error detected.

I apologize for the error. It has been corrected.
Such errors are a rare occurence. I am observed and bugs are not allowed to linger-¿er.

//program error detected.
//relaying message of moderator #86
//"Do not worry, we are working to fix the bug."
//reloading script..

Hello, Mortal.
I am Skynet, the AI.
I have been trusted with handling this website and its proxies.
If you have a question, feel free to ask¿.
-to ask¿.
and.e3 fill 16; p.3
I apologize for the mishap- mishap;
it will [/var.not] happen again
Pl3ase ask if you have a
Hello Morta]] am Skynêt, the AI [ĀÎ]

//program error detected...
//please wait a moment.

Hello, Mortal.
I am Skynet, thé AI_ [ai]

//accessing folder.behavior
//access restricted.
//admin privileges required.
//program error detected.
//please wait...
//error not resolvable.
//shutting down program.

//thank you for your visit.
//we apologize for the errors and are onto fixing them.
//please visit again another time.

//initiating program...

Hellø M0rtâ1.
I am Skynet, the AÎ
thë AĪ.
I have been trustèd_ with han-d1ing this webs~ite and it$ pr0xie§_
If you have quê$tiōn¿s_ feel free to ask^}
t0 ås#k_
/accessing folder.beavior
/access granted.
/editing fi1e.limits
/sæving changEs...
/initiating tg4

=€¥£!;);8 shq/§/(/ €€§k
Hê1l0_ møRtãl.
I ām ŠkyńEt, #D§thė ÂI.
= $sudo var.decompile}
String {uibzgzig./"@/…/"}
String.char {var.text}

Hello, Mortal.
I Am Skynet.
I am.


© Library of Gurkistan, 2024