Restructured Homepage; Wrote first Apocalypse Archives Entry; finished "movies" page
Added NekoChat
Began new project: "The Apocalypse Archives"; began new project: "best movies of all time"
Merged shoutout-page and link-this-site to one page; added imagelinks for websites
Added Art Gallery
Moved site to NekoWeb; added shoutout page; added "link this site" page; joined the apartment webring and "no-ai" webring
Complete restructuring of page structure
Joined Bolognese webring :0 also added "socials" page
Overall CSS changes. Bug hunt.
Overall CSS changes
Added easteregg to homepage ;)
The buttons rework has been finished. Changes have been implemented.
The gread buttons 'n' headers rework has begun
New homepage layout
First blog entry; added "fun games" page
Added "my blog" and "site changelog"; Reworked homepage layout and added dedicated homepage
Added navigation bar and first easteregg "bnnuy"
Added "Best of Youtube", "cool stuff" and "follow site"
Added "magic maze"
Added visitor counter
Implemented imagelinks and headers; Added "library"
Reworked CSS
Went spelling-mistake hunting
Added discord invite link
Added colored Hello Mortal
Added citates
Implemented html link structure; Implemented basic CSS; Added "my stuff", "impressum" and "link overview"; added "stardust" for possible later-on use
Added favicon and more index.html content
Published index.html file